Revolutionize Education with AI

Experience the future of learning with AI-driven tools for personalized education.

Enhance and streamline education process


$14.99/Mo or $169 Annually

  • Domain-specific Q&A (database size limit < 100MB)
  • Domain-specific generate questions
  • Automark for any question types
  • Personal instance
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$29.99/Mo or $349 Annually

  • Domain-specific Q&A
  • Domain-specific generate questions
  • Automark for any question types
  • Build your own Question bank
  • Create and answer assignment
  • Higher limits for storage
  • Personal instance
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$99/Mo or 1189 Annually

  • Two types of instance: owner & joiner
  • Multi-angle data analytics
  • Batch automark for assignments
  • Premuim features for owner and joiners
  • Higher limits for storage and question banks
  • Joiners <= 100
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Free first 14 days trial for all


How does Prof.GPT automate study assistance and assessment?


Prof.GPT uses advanced LLM to create, answer, and correct various types of questions, including multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions. This automation simplifies the assessment process, saves instructors' time, and provides students with instant feedback.

Can Prof.GPT handle different types of questions?


Yes, Prof.GPT supports the creation and scoring of multiple choice questions, short answer questions, essays, case studies, and more. This flexibility allows instructors to create questions and comprehensive assessments that cover all aspects of course material.

Is Prof.GPT compatible with my school's learning management system (LMS)?


Prof.GPT can be used with any known LMS. Our team will develop more ways to interface with existing LMS in the future!

How secure is my students' data with Prof.GPT?


Data security is our top priority, and Prof.GPT follows best practices and strict security protocols to ensure the security and confidentiality of your student data. The entire backend relies on Amazon's cloud servers to maximize the security of your data. We are committed to protecting your information at all times.

Can Prof.GPT provide personalized feedback to students?


Absolutely. Prof.GPT uses artificial intelligence to provide personalized feedback based on the material and the instructor's grading criteria to help students understand their strengths and areas for improvement. This tailored feedback is designed to support student learning and development.

Can instructors customize the grading rubrics in Prof.GPT?


Yes, instructors can customize the grading rubrics to fit the specific requirements of their assignments. This flexibility ensures that the grading criteria align with the course objectives and standards.

Does Prof.GPT offer tools for analyzing student performance?


Yes, Prof.GPT provides detailed analysis of both individual and class-wide performance. These insights help educators identify strengths and areas for improvement, enabling them to tailor their instruction to better meet students' needs.

Can students use Prof.GPT to self-assess their learning?


Sure! Students can use Prof.GPT to generate practice questions and receive feedback on their answers. They can also directly ask questions about points they do not understand. This self-assessment feature helps students gauge their understanding of the material and identify areas for further study.

What kind of customer support does Prof.GPT offer?


We offer 24/7 customer support to ensure all your needs and issues are addressed promptly. Our support team is always here to help you with any questions or concerns.

What if I need to connect more students than the limit in my plan?


If you need to connect more students than the limit in your current plan, you can upgrade to a higher plan or contact us for a custom solution. We are flexible and ready to accommodate your needs.

Still have questions? Contact us
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